The Journey from Saint to Santa & Church Christmas Party
As part of our church Christmas party, join us on Sunday, December 15th, from 5:00-6:00pm for 'Journey from Saint to Santa' event! Explore the fascinating transformation of Saint Nicholas through centuries of legend and folklore, evolving into the beloved Santa Claus we know today. This interactive experience is perfect for all ages and highlights Saint Nicholas' devotion to God, his generosity, and his love for others—values that can inspire us all. Following the presentation, we will hold our annual church Christmas party potluck in the atrium. Following the presentation, we will hold our annual Church Christmas Party from 6:00-7:00pm. RSVP HERE

Ozark Mountain British Brass Band Christmas Concert
Rogers First and the Ozark Mountains British Brass Band will host a free concert on Sunday, December 8. The concert begins at 6:00 P.M. and will be fun for the whole family! No tickets or reservations required. The doors to the sanctuary will open at 5:30 P.M.

Bible Walk & Trunk-or-Treat
Rogers First invites you to our annual Bible Walk & Trunk or Treat on October 31 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Come visit some Bible characters through trunk-or-treating, bounce in a few bounce houses, and enjoy the refreshments. Invite your friends and neighbors to join us!

NWA Wado Kai Karate
The NWA Wado Kai Karate Semester beings August 1st! Classes are for ages 7 and up. Classes meet every Thursday 6:00-8:00 pm beginning August 1.
$50 annual membership fee per person. This fee goes to the Shintani Wado Kai Karate Federation.
$20 suggested donation per person or $40 per family per semester. This fee goes to the club to cover club equipment, facility costs, liability insurance, and bringing in visiting instructors.
The first month is free. Fees will be collected after 30 days of your start date.
Uniforms and equipment can also be purchased when registering.
CLICK HERE to register.

Mission NWA
It’s time for Mission NWA! We are so excited to meet together to help our church family, our missional partners and make a special connection with our community.
On Saturday, July 27 we will meet at the church at 8:00 am and divide into teams; Team 1 will serve a few of our church family seniors, Team 2 will serve our missional partner Nicole’s House by washing windows, Team 3 will head to Mt Hebron Park for fun and fellowship with our community, passing out balloon animals and popsicles.
CLICK HERE to join us! It will be a fantastic morning serving the Lord and His people so please join us!

Vacation Bible School
Jesus gives us the most amazing reason to party. That’s why we believe God’s love and the Gospel of Jesus is the best news ever. Join us for Vacation Bible School this summer! CLICK HERE to register!

Collingsworth Family Concert
Since their first engagement together as musicians for a church camp in Petersburg, Michigan in August, 1986 until now, the ministry God has given Phil & Kim has expanded and flourished until it is a full-time livelihood that involves their entire family. Their boundaries of influence have expanded until they have sung and played all over the United States (as well as internationally) into their 33rd year of ministry. Their constant, persistent attention to cutting-edge arranging, musical excellence, and a proper balance of spiritual emphasis are the keys to success God has helped them tap. Phil & Kim’s entire purpose is to give the talent God has loaned them back to their Creator as a sacrifice of praise.

Bible Walk & Trunk-or-Treat
Rogers First invites you to our annual Bible Walk & Trunk or Treat on October 31 from 5 to 7 pm. Come visit some Bible characters through trunk-or-treating, bounce in a few bounce houses, and enjoy the refreshments. Invite your friends and neighbors to join us!

Rogers First Blood Drive
Rogers First Church of the Nazarene and the American Red Cross are hosting an upcoming blood drive.
Please join our lifesaving mission and schedule an appointment today!
Drive Details:
Site: Rogers First Church of the Nazarene
Address: 4911 W Pleasant Grove Rd, Rogers, AR, 72758
Room Name: Atrium
Date: Tue Oct 31, 2023
Time: 02:30 PM - 06:30 PM
Blood Program Leader Name: Cory Johnson
Blood Program Leader Phone Number: (479) 636-1050
Click here to make an appointment
The need for blood is constant and only volunteer donors can fulfill that need for patients in our community. Nationwide, someone needs a unit of blood every 2 to 3 seconds and most of us will need blood in our lifetime.
Thank you for supporting the American Red Cross blood program!
Download the Red Cross Blood Donor App on the App Store, Google Play or text BLOODAPP to 90999. Schedule appointments, view your blood type and results of your mini-physical, and track your donations.

Celebration of Pets
Celebrate the loyalty, companionship, and joy our pets bring to our lives. This is a free event for the community on Sunday, October 1 from 4 pm to 6 pm. All are invited to join in the fun!

COM2MEX is back with a twist! We are headed to the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas to partner with our churches in the Valley!
COM2TEX is a Work and Witness Mission Trip sponsored by Southern Nazarene University. (Commission to Texas) is December 26 - January 2 in McAllen, Texas. The cost is $599. Scholarships are available for students. In partnership with the Nazarene Border Initiative (NBI) we are continuing to celebrate and support our border churches in their important work. Pray about being part of this family missions opportunity. Registration is due today. Signup on our church app. Contact Jen Freeman for info.

David Phelps Concert
David Phelps is credited among today’s most spectacular voices. His seemingly endless vocal range, which extends more than three octaves, coupled with his gift for communicating a song, has brought the house down in the world’s most prestigious venues. David has received numerous Dove Awards, Grammy Awards, and multiple platinum-selling recording projects. David Phelps Gamechanger Tour will be live in concert on November 13, 2022 at 6:oo pm!

Mission NWA & Campus Serve
Mission NWA is making Thanksgiving Baskets, caring for our church facilities and grounds, and going to Senior’s homes to help as needed. Volunteer Here

GriefShare Surviving the Holidays
When you are grieving a loved one's death, the holiday season can be especially painful. Our Surviving the Holidays seminar helps participants prepare for the holidays and even discover hope for the future. Register Here

Bible Walk/Trunk or Treat
Bible Walk is October 31 from 5 to 7 pm in the church parking lot. We will have Bible characters, trunk or treating, bounce houses, and refreshments. Invite your friends and neighbors to join us. We need volunteers to help provide vehicles with the trunk decorated and to hand out candy (scripts and costumes provided) as well as help with welcoming guests, traffic flow, food, set-up, and security. Sign-up to serve here!

Dr. Mark Reighard Concert
Join us Sunday, September 11 for an evening of inspiration and great music with concert pianist, organist, and humorist Dr. Mark Reighard! Dr. Reighard is a gifted musician and communicator who has performed for audiences throughout the US and internationally. His piano repertoire includes classical compositions, popular music improvisations and arrangements of contemporary and traditional church music selections.
Admission is free and there will be a love offering.