What to Expect
What to Expect
Adults- Most worship services last about an hour. We begin with music led by our worship team. The sermon usually ranges between 25 and 35 minutes. We conclude the worship hour with prayer. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper monthly. Feel free to watch a service online ahead of time to get an idea of what to expect. Grow Groups meet in multiple rooms in the building following the worship service. Dress is casual-come as you are.
Students- Students in grades 6 & above participate in the worship service. Following worship, students meet in Grow Groups designated by age & grade.
Kids- Our Vibrant Kids Welcome Team will greet you as you enter and will assist you throughout the check-in process for all kids infant-5th grade. Vibrant Kids at Rogers First include our Early Childhood Ministry (infant-kindergarten) and our Elementary Ministry (1st – 5th Grade). During the worship hour, Early Childhood and Elementary Kids gather in their own time of worship with music and a message. During the Grow Group hour, they meet in age level groups for learning and activities.
Plan your visit:
To watch a service online, please visit our YouTube page